Partner Catalog

CRMprofs BV


CRMprofs has specialised in CRM (Customer Relation Management) systems since 2008. In the past 15 years CRMprofs has built up a lot of knowledge and experience and we are known for our practical, hands-on approach and objective, independent guidance and advice.

CRMprofs' customers can be found in various industries. In most cases they are trading companies dealing with a sales process. Characteristic for CRMprofs' customers is a sales process that requires several contact moments to reach a deal. CRMprofs shapes the content of this process, makes improvements and introduces KPIs to monitor progress. In short, customers get the maximum benefit from their CRM system.

Implementations are carried out both from our centrally located office in Woerden (Utrecht, The Netherlands) and at the customer's premises. For the acceptance of the new CRM, it is important to be in contact with the users. This is why we consider local presence important.

Contact person
Marco Moen

Jaap Bijzerweg 8d

3446CR  Woerden

The Netherlands

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